Thursday, September 20, 2007

i can't remember when did we had our first fight...but i clearly remember when is our last fight because its just yesterday.
i will not tell what was the fight all about but it was just really a small thing. every time we argue, i can see my self already crying but I'm trying to control my emotions not to show because i know when i start crying in front of him he will just ignore it...

will i let him go?
most of our fights really makes me think of breaking up with him but when i think of it...i just can't help but cry!!! yes! i try to break up with him, but i just CAN'T say those words!!! maybe i really do love him...because i just can't let him go that easy.o^-^o

hindi ko siya kayang mawala.!!!

why is it so hard for me to let him go even if we always fight and we know that both of us are hurt by this relationship?
oo nga...why is it hard for me to let go of his hands!!! but in my ex-bf...i just let him go and i move on easily but why in my present, i just can't help it...i can't help falling! is it because I'm already falling for him deeper than i expected? and for him, I'm doing things that i can't in my past boyfriend. its not that i don't want to love him, its just I DON'T WANT TO LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!! because i almost forgot to spend time for my friends and my family...i keep on thinking both of us together ALWAYS!!!

bad ba yung ganon?

i just hope that I'm not making a mistake for loving him this much and i hope i will not be saying this someday "sana hindi ko nalang binigay lahat ng oras ko sakanya."

R E J N thought hard on 6:37 PM.