Friday, November 16, 2007
when was the last time...
When was the last time you sent me a text just to say, "I love you! Have a great day...And don't forget to show-off that beautiful smile?"When was the last time you told me I was beautiful?
When was the last time you told me that I was the best thing that had ever happened to you?
When was the last time you called me randomly to say that you couldn't stop thinking about me?
When was the last time that you initiated cuddle time, a hug, a kiss, or a caress?
When was the last time that you told me you loved me without first being prompted by me?
When was the last time that you told me thank you...for all that you do?
I wish I could say that the day it all stopped was the day you broke my heart, but those missing gestures had stopped long ago.
Was it all so good in the beginning that I failed to see when it all stopped being that way?
I guess if I can't remember those last times it maybe wasn't meant to be after all.
You somehow forgot how to love me, but somehow I can't seem to stop loving you...No matter how I try.
I need to remember those last times, those fond memories because right now all I can remember are the times that you didn't say or do those things. And I don't want to remember this last year with you as a waste of time.
One of these days I will stop and think when was the last time I missed you? And when I can't recall that day, is the day I know that I'm over you.
When was the last time?
R E J N thought hard on 3:29 AM.