Friday, August 31, 2007
You're just so PERFECT why you cant see
Look at what you've done to me
You've made me laugh made me smile With the look thats in your eyes

But you just don't realize
Just how much you mean to me
How important you are in my life
Each night before I go to sleepI make just one wish and that
Is for you to be here with me
I wonder if we could ever be together
Then I could get my one true kiss
But at the moment its just a dream
Because I know he doesn't feel like this
R E J N thought hard on 11:25 PM.


My hands are trembling with fear
I'm so petrified of tomorrow
And what it might bring
For nothing is what it is anymore
And I am not who I am.
My eyes are red and raw from crying
I just feel so exhausted and miserable
Like I have nothing left to offer
And I know nobody could understand that
So I don't say a word.
My heart feels empty
I don't belong anywhere
I don't enjoy anything anymore
There's nothing to look forward to
There's no hope.
I'm so petrified of tomorrow
And what it might bring
For nothing is what it is anymore
And I am not who I am.
My eyes are red and raw from crying
I just feel so exhausted and miserable
Like I have nothing left to offer
And I know nobody could understand that
So I don't say a word.
My head is throbbing, I can't think straight
There are ghosts haunting me
Screaming horrible things
While laughing and pointing
And they won't leave me alone.
There are ghosts haunting me
Screaming horrible things
While laughing and pointing
And they won't leave me alone.
My heart feels empty
I don't belong anywhere
I don't enjoy anything anymore
There's nothing to look forward to
There's no hope.
My world has fallen apart
It collapsed at my feet
There's nothing left
So It's time to leave, get out of here
And end it all right now.
It collapsed at my feet
There's nothing left
So It's time to leave, get out of here
And end it all right now.
R E J N thought hard on 10:13 PM.