Sunday, October 28, 2007
I'm in the world of
R E J N thought hard on 5:57 PM.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Those things i felt so alive inside me are now just dead and bitter. Those butterflies inside I use to feel are not flying anymore. You cut their wings like you cut mine please tell me how you felt. They're dead like my hope is dead for you without you those butterflies inside me are so damn dead. Sometimes I feel a little twinkle down inside me and other times I think that I'm just sick, so sick and tires of all your stupid lies. You make me feel so sick it hurts, those butterflies inside I use to feel are not flying anymore. you cut their wings like you cut mine please tell me how you felt. They're dead like my hope is dead for you, without you those butterflies inside me are so damn dead.
please tell me how you felt... was it any good?
Tell me how you felt when you broke my heart? Those butterflies are so damn dead.
R E J N thought hard on 5:32 AM.


I've been breathing since October 29, 1992 with my name given to me by my parents as
Cerisa Aiva Rejn Raagas Escarian
As the years passed, this girl have experienced lots of good and bad stuff and she's already felt love, hate, jealousy, happiness, and anger.
I'm still in my journey of life and exploring it with its people who are unknown for me. I want to enjoy my teenage years and hoping someday, when i become an adult, i will marry a guy who will take care of me and the right prince charming. actually, I'm happy with my life right now but still i want to know more and know what my purpose really is.
I'm still in my journey of life and exploring it with its people who are unknown for me. I want to enjoy my teenage years and hoping someday, when i become an adult, i will marry a guy who will take care of me and the right prince charming. actually, I'm happy with my life right now but still i want to know more and know what my purpose really is.
On the 29th of October in this year i will be a 15 year old young adult, not anymore a clumsy and cry baby girl, i will try to act more mature and be more matured.
I realized, as i become older, i will just remember my old days when i was a little baby and everyone was looking at me as if I'm an angel and then i became a sassy girl at the age of 5-10 and i just knew that i had a crush on some one (i still remember my first crush^_^) and then when I'm at the age of 13 when i first start to act and feel like I'm really a teenager until i had my first BF, first kiss, first hug and first gift from my special someone (aaaaaaawwwww).
Now, i have my friends from my old days and in the present, i have my BABY PIPAO whom i had a relationship for 1 year until now, and my family, my parents whose always there for me back when i was still a baby, "I'M HAPPY WITH MY LIFE NOW!!!"

wishing myself to be blessed even i have sinned and to have a very long life to spend with my love ones.♥
R E J N thought hard on 4:47 AM.

Thursday, October 11, 2007
it only means i'm NOT willing to wait for the right one
When I was just a little girl, my mama used to tuck me into bed, and she'd read me a story.It always was about a princess in distress and how a guy would save her and end up with the glory. I'd lie in bed and think about the person that I wanted to be, then one day I realized the fairy tale life wasn't for me.
I don't want to be like Cinderella, sitting in a dark, cold and has a dusty cellar, waiting for somebody to come and set me free. I don't want to be like someone waiting for a handsome prince to come and save me on a horse of white unless somebody's on my side. I don't wanna be
no one else.
NO! NO! NO!I'd rather rescue myself.
Someday I'm gonna find someone who wants my soul, heart and mind, whose not afraid to show that he loves me, somebody who will understand I'm happy just the way I am.I don't need nobody taking care of me.
I will be there for him just as strong as he will be there for me, when i get myself then it has got to be an equal thing
I don't wanna be like CINDERELLA

R E J N thought hard on 1:49 AM.

Friday, October 5, 2007
im just not happy
There you go again,talking cinematic...You're charming, you got everybody starstruck. I know, how you always seem to go for the obvious, instead of me you got another one.You'd be the right guy and I'd be the best friend that you'd fall in love with. In the end we'd be laughing watching the sunset fade to black and show the names and play the happy song.
When you call me I can hear it in you voice...
...oh sure,you want to see me and tell me all about her
I'll be acting through my tears guess you'll never know that I should win an Oscar for this scene. Wish I could tell you there's a twist some kind of hero in disguise and were together, it's for real, NOT PLAYING. wish I could tell you there's a kiss, like something more than in my mind.I see, it could be amazing
R E J N thought hard on 5:09 AM.